The Best Grilled Pesto Chicken

My husband and I took a trip to Italy years ago and fell in love with the food over there. One thing that my husband couldn't get enough of was the basil pesto. We were familiar with it before this trip, but had never learned to appreciate it. When we got home from...

The Best Swedish Pancakes

I found this Swedish Pancake recipe in The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner Again! recipe book and haven't looked back. Lucky for you, this recipe is available online as well at I start by adding all of the ingredients to my blender. I use the BlendTec...

The Best French Toast

This French Toast recipe from Barefoot Contessa is incredibly decadent. It's as good as any French Toast I've had in a restaurant. My kids loved it. I usually choose between jam or syrup when eating French Toast, but this time I tried it with both. I used Kirkland...

Macro-Friendly Chocolate Protein Shake

This protein shake is a favorite at the end of the day when I need to get more protein in my diet. It tastes great and the macros are fantastic. You can play around with the toppings. I had it with a chopped up Reeses the other night.   Macro Friendly Chocolate...

Microwaved Baked Potatoes: 12 Minute Dinner!

12 minute dinner! Baked potatoes. I actually microwave mine though. It's super fast and easy that way. They are so filling and satisfying. You can make them vegetarian style or add some bacon crumbles for some added flavor and protein. Here's how I make them......

Macro Friendly Green Chocolate Protein Shake

This has been my go-to protein shake in the mornings after a workout for a couple of years now. It makes a lot, the macros are pretty great, and I don't get sick of the flavor. I you want to cut the fat amount considerably, I recommend using PBFit All-Natural Peanut...

Macro-Friendly Breakfast Sandwich

I've discovered that I really enjoy a savory breakfast. So many breakfast foods are sweet, and they have their place, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for something sweet in the morning. This Macro-Friendly Breakfast Sandwich has become a staple for me. I've...

Recipes I've Tried

I have tried countless recipes and share them here. I will give you the good and bad details and let you know if I think the recipe is a winner.

Best Products

I like to try new products and find gems amongst the many options out there. I will share mostly kitchen products, but occasionally I’ll share other products that I can’t keep to myself.

Best Recipes

Here is where I keep a list of the best of the best recipes so you don’t have to spend time searching for one you think might be good.